Srdjan Pasic, MD, PhD

Prof. Dr. Srdjan Pasic is a pediatric allergist and immunologist from Belgrade with more than 25 years of experience. He spent his working life at the Institute for Mother and Child “Dr Vukan Cupic”, and is currently in the position of the head of the Immunology Service at this institute. He is also engaged in private practice. Professor of Pediatrics at the Medical Faculty in Belgrade.
Prof. Dr. Srdjan Pasic deals with the diagnosis and treatment of immune and rheumatic diseases in children. He is currently treating children with PANS/PANDAS.
He attended additional educations in Great Britain, Italy and America. He is the author of several scientific papers published in prestigious immunological and pediatric journals.
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1st Day 2 June 2022
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3rd Day 4 June 2022
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