
Isaac Melamed, MD

United States of America

Dr. Isaac Melamed is currently a clinician in private practice in the metro Denver area of Colorado. Previously, he was in academia in the US, Canada and Israel. His focus is the interaction between the immune and nervous system – neuro-immune connection publishing over 150 papers, presenting and lecturing around the world. He also founded an independent clinical research facility, IMMUNOe Research Center, and has been a principle investigator on over 250 clinical trials. His major areas of interest are:
• Cross-talk between the nervous and immune system
• The role of the immune system in neuro-inflammatory diseases
• Cytoskeletal signaling

All Sessions on SEECA

1st Day 2 June 2022

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2nd Day 3 June 2022

11:30 – 12:00

IVIG for Autism

3rd Day 4 June 2022

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